We all love great films, so please help to protect content and support artists by saying no to piracy. Please note that it is illegal to copy, distribute, show in public, rebroadcast or share any film showing at CIFF2020 and our platform has content protection monitoring in place.
14 year-old Tyler (Conrad Khan) gets involved in drug trafficking in the English countryside in this stylish and powerful coming-of-age debut from Henry Blake, who drew on his own experiences as a youth worker, as well as many real-life cases of children drawn into organised crime in the UK. Khan excels in his first lead role, ably supported by Ashley Madekwe as his struggling mother.
(Copy written by Anna Kopecká)
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- Year2019
- Runtime90 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited Kingdom
- DirectorHenry Blake
- CastConrad Khan, Ashley Madekwe, Harris Dickinson
We all love great films, so please help to protect content and support artists by saying no to piracy. Please note that it is illegal to copy, distribute, show in public, rebroadcast or share any film showing at CIFF2020 and our platform has content protection monitoring in place.
14 year-old Tyler (Conrad Khan) gets involved in drug trafficking in the English countryside in this stylish and powerful coming-of-age debut from Henry Blake, who drew on his own experiences as a youth worker, as well as many real-life cases of children drawn into organised crime in the UK. Khan excels in his first lead role, ably supported by Ashley Madekwe as his struggling mother.
(Copy written by Anna Kopecká)
Films You Might Also Like
- Year2019
- Runtime90 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited Kingdom
- DirectorHenry Blake
- CastConrad Khan, Ashley Madekwe, Harris Dickinson