We all love great films, so please help to protect content and support artists by saying no to piracy. Please note that it is illegal to copy, distribute, show in public, rebroadcast or share any film showing at CIFF2020 and our platform has content protection monitoring in place.
Director Jorge Thielen Armand interrogates one man’s tortured existence in La Fortaleza, a fascinating semi-improvised drama in which his own father plays Roque, a veiled version of himself. The outward expression of the man’s inner turmoil provides a chaotic and addictive energy – his violence visceral, his pain instinctual. This is highly original filmmaking, imbued with the feeling of a turbulent fever dream, as Roque exorcises his demons through intense alcoholism and overt hysteria, in a cathartic creative expression for both performer and filmmaker.
(Copy written by Roisin Geraghty)
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- Year2020
- Runtime108 minutes
- CountryVenezuela, France, Netherlands, Colombia
- NoteSubtitled
- DirectorJorge Thielen Armand
- ScreenwriterRodrigo Michaelangeli
- ProducerRodrigo Michaelangeli, Felipe Guerrero
- CastJorge Roque Thielen, Yoni Naranjo
- CinematographerRodrigo Michaelangeli
- EditorFelipe Guerrero
- ComposerLeila Bordreuil
We all love great films, so please help to protect content and support artists by saying no to piracy. Please note that it is illegal to copy, distribute, show in public, rebroadcast or share any film showing at CIFF2020 and our platform has content protection monitoring in place.
Director Jorge Thielen Armand interrogates one man’s tortured existence in La Fortaleza, a fascinating semi-improvised drama in which his own father plays Roque, a veiled version of himself. The outward expression of the man’s inner turmoil provides a chaotic and addictive energy – his violence visceral, his pain instinctual. This is highly original filmmaking, imbued with the feeling of a turbulent fever dream, as Roque exorcises his demons through intense alcoholism and overt hysteria, in a cathartic creative expression for both performer and filmmaker.
(Copy written by Roisin Geraghty)
Films You Might Also Like
- Year2020
- Runtime108 minutes
- CountryVenezuela, France, Netherlands, Colombia
- NoteSubtitled
- DirectorJorge Thielen Armand
- ScreenwriterRodrigo Michaelangeli
- ProducerRodrigo Michaelangeli, Felipe Guerrero
- CastJorge Roque Thielen, Yoni Naranjo
- CinematographerRodrigo Michaelangeli
- EditorFelipe Guerrero
- ComposerLeila Bordreuil