We all love great films, so please help to protect content and support artists by saying no to piracy. Please note that it is illegal to copy, distribute, show in public, rebroadcast or share any film showing at CIFF2020 and our platform has content protection monitoring in place.
The National Sculpture Factory is delighted to present In-Conversation for this year’s Cork International Film Festival 2020
In-Conversation :
Renowned Irish artist Gerard Byrne in-conversation with L.A based Scottish cinematographer Michael McDonough.
Gerard Byrne is one of Ireland’s leading visual artists working with film, video, photography and live art and here, he will host an interview with Michael McDonough, a Scottish cinematographer with an international reputation working across cinema and television.
Michael has worked on some of Gerard’s early film works in New York in the late nineties and they have continued their professional and personal relationship since then. Here, Gerard talks to Michael about his most recent projects including 'Bosch', an American T.V. series produced for Amazon Studios; while also looking back on his successes as Director of Photography on the award-winning 'Winter’s Bone' with director Debra Granik, with whom he has made a number of features. They will also discuss Michael’s engagement with artist Douglas Gordon; on the cinematography for Gordon’s video installation 'Play Dead' and his role in making of 'Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait', before they finally touch on Gerard’s work 'Why it's Time for Imperial, Again' filmed in New York.
We all love great films, so please help to protect content and support artists by saying no to piracy. Please note that it is illegal to copy, distribute, show in public, rebroadcast or share any film showing at CIFF2020 and our platform has content protection monitoring in place.
The National Sculpture Factory is delighted to present In-Conversation for this year’s Cork International Film Festival 2020
In-Conversation :
Renowned Irish artist Gerard Byrne in-conversation with L.A based Scottish cinematographer Michael McDonough.
Gerard Byrne is one of Ireland’s leading visual artists working with film, video, photography and live art and here, he will host an interview with Michael McDonough, a Scottish cinematographer with an international reputation working across cinema and television.
Michael has worked on some of Gerard’s early film works in New York in the late nineties and they have continued their professional and personal relationship since then. Here, Gerard talks to Michael about his most recent projects including 'Bosch', an American T.V. series produced for Amazon Studios; while also looking back on his successes as Director of Photography on the award-winning 'Winter’s Bone' with director Debra Granik, with whom he has made a number of features. They will also discuss Michael’s engagement with artist Douglas Gordon; on the cinematography for Gordon’s video installation 'Play Dead' and his role in making of 'Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait', before they finally touch on Gerard’s work 'Why it's Time for Imperial, Again' filmed in New York.