We all love great films, so please help to protect content and support artists by saying no to piracy. Please note that it is illegal to copy, distribute, show in public, rebroadcast or share any film showing at CIFF2020 and our platform has content protection monitoring in place.
In September 2014, a convoy of Mexican students was brutally attacked by police and unidentified masked assailants. Six people were killed and forty-three were abducted and never heard from again. Vivos is a mournful ode to the victims, and a perceptive study of the psychological effects on the families left behind, methodically bringing to life the memory of each and every victim through empathetic renderings and reflections, stunning photography, and director Ai Weiwei’s introspective and highly creative signature style.
(Copy written by Roisin Geraghty)
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- Year2020
- Runtime112 minutes
- LanguageSpanish
- CountryGermany, Mexico
- NoteSubtitled
- DirectorAi Weiwei
- ProducerAi Weiwei
- EditorNiels Pagh Andersen
- ComposerJens Bjørnkjær
We all love great films, so please help to protect content and support artists by saying no to piracy. Please note that it is illegal to copy, distribute, show in public, rebroadcast or share any film showing at CIFF2020 and our platform has content protection monitoring in place.
In September 2014, a convoy of Mexican students was brutally attacked by police and unidentified masked assailants. Six people were killed and forty-three were abducted and never heard from again. Vivos is a mournful ode to the victims, and a perceptive study of the psychological effects on the families left behind, methodically bringing to life the memory of each and every victim through empathetic renderings and reflections, stunning photography, and director Ai Weiwei’s introspective and highly creative signature style.
(Copy written by Roisin Geraghty)
Films You Might Also Like
- Year2020
- Runtime112 minutes
- LanguageSpanish
- CountryGermany, Mexico
- NoteSubtitled
- DirectorAi Weiwei
- ProducerAi Weiwei
- EditorNiels Pagh Andersen
- ComposerJens Bjørnkjær