We all love great films, so please help to protect content and support artists by saying no to piracy. Please note that it is illegal to copy, distribute, show in public, rebroadcast or share any film showing at CIFF2020 and our platform has content protection monitoring in place.
Newsreel Cine Concert: a short selection of British and Irish newsreels relating to Cork in the 1920 period - including the funeral of the Lord Mayor Terence MacSwiney (October 1920) and the burning of Cork (December 1920) - will be shown with musical accompaniment by Cork violinist Brendan Garde.
We all love great films, so please help to protect content and support artists by saying no to piracy. Please note that it is illegal to copy, distribute, show in public, rebroadcast or share any film showing at CIFF2020 and our platform has content protection monitoring in place.
Newsreel Cine Concert: a short selection of British and Irish newsreels relating to Cork in the 1920 period - including the funeral of the Lord Mayor Terence MacSwiney (October 1920) and the burning of Cork (December 1920) - will be shown with musical accompaniment by Cork violinist Brendan Garde.