We all love great films, so please help to protect content and support artists by saying no to piracy. Please note that it is illegal to copy, distribute, show in public, rebroadcast or share any film showing at CIFF2020 and our platform has content protection monitoring in place.
Yoga For The Eyes
Originally made for Open Ear Festival in Baltimore, Cork, this video assemblage uses archival footage, diagrams and animated objects to recount a non-linear exploration of free parties, festivals, riots and Celtic mysticism. Featuring a soundtrack by Jennifer Moore.
aemi Shorts: Signals & Circuits
Curated by aemi, an Irish organisation that supports and exhibits artist and experimental film, 'Signals & Circuits' is a programme of contemporary moving image work by Irish and international artists exploring ideas relating to communication, travel, surveillance and technology. The programme features work by Jenny Brady, Jussi Eerola, Laura Fitzgerald, John Smith, Deborah Stratman and Yoga For The Eyes
Taking the ‘circuit’, with all of its possible meanings, as a conceptual framework, the programme purposefully complicates interconnected ideas relating to communication, travel and technology, highlighting films in which intimate or ordinarily private thoughts are vocalised and acts of speaking or mis/over-hearing, particularly in recorded form, take on significances other than those originally intended. This gives rise in several instances to concerns about illicit societal control and surveillance but ultimately this programme emphasises the political and cultural value of speaking out, either to express an inner voice or strengthen the power of collective struggle.
- Year2018
- Runtime24 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryIreland
- DirectorMichelle Doyle, Eva Richardson-McCrea, Coilin O’Connell with Jenn Moore
We all love great films, so please help to protect content and support artists by saying no to piracy. Please note that it is illegal to copy, distribute, show in public, rebroadcast or share any film showing at CIFF2020 and our platform has content protection monitoring in place.
Yoga For The Eyes
Originally made for Open Ear Festival in Baltimore, Cork, this video assemblage uses archival footage, diagrams and animated objects to recount a non-linear exploration of free parties, festivals, riots and Celtic mysticism. Featuring a soundtrack by Jennifer Moore.
aemi Shorts: Signals & Circuits
Curated by aemi, an Irish organisation that supports and exhibits artist and experimental film, 'Signals & Circuits' is a programme of contemporary moving image work by Irish and international artists exploring ideas relating to communication, travel, surveillance and technology. The programme features work by Jenny Brady, Jussi Eerola, Laura Fitzgerald, John Smith, Deborah Stratman and Yoga For The Eyes
Taking the ‘circuit’, with all of its possible meanings, as a conceptual framework, the programme purposefully complicates interconnected ideas relating to communication, travel and technology, highlighting films in which intimate or ordinarily private thoughts are vocalised and acts of speaking or mis/over-hearing, particularly in recorded form, take on significances other than those originally intended. This gives rise in several instances to concerns about illicit societal control and surveillance but ultimately this programme emphasises the political and cultural value of speaking out, either to express an inner voice or strengthen the power of collective struggle.
- Year2018
- Runtime24 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryIreland
- DirectorMichelle Doyle, Eva Richardson-McCrea, Coilin O’Connell with Jenn Moore